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Thought Spiral

Nov 27, 2023

Chew your food, narcissism testing, Josh tries to make a point about celebrity docs, Andy’s career planning, finding a lost man-crush, Josh’s slippery slope guardrails, no questions this week, but much more Spiraling.

Nov 20, 2023

Andy struggles with tough deadlines, fixed-income fever, Josh tries to reconcile with humanity, Israel, oy, Albert Brooks Doc, listener questions, even our producer doesn’t read these things, and much more Spiraling.

Nov 13, 2023

Andy goes south in a good way, supplement prison, Josh flips on DST, the gambling apocalypse, Andy can’t nail down game day, the end of the SAG strike, listener questions, help I’m being held hostage in a synopsis factory, and much more Spiraling.

Nov 6, 2023

Andy finds divinity in vanity plates, Shake n’ Bake and other throwback fare, Matthew Perry talk, Yogi Berra, Andy lives out his picketing fears, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.