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Thought Spiral

Oct 25, 2021

Andy reviews Josh and Jen talking about him, the spicy chicken conspiracy, Andy crank-texts a celebrity, Josh gets theatrical, Andy works his prostate, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.

Oct 18, 2021

Andy returns from the desert, Josh answers the call of citizenship, Andy’s new viewing habits, Homeworking Chapelle, birthday week in Kindlerville, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.

Oct 11, 2021

Andy preps for his big trip, revisiting Carson worship, summer camp flashbacks, JEN KIRKMAN steps in to fill the Andy-shaped void, cocktails as war crimes, leggings and Lasso, Wilderness Diary, and much more Spiraling.

Oct 4, 2021

Andy battles his environment, more bagel counseling, a Muhammed Ali sense memory, Josh descends into writer mode, Andy dusts off his Leno, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.