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Thought Spiral

Dec 27, 2021

Josh returns from his Bar Mitzvah adventure, Andy fears salami, Josh preps for the knife, comparing self-hatreds, college exits, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.

Dec 20, 2021

The quest for the perfect hello continues, apology remorse, bar mitzvah tallies, Monkee mourning, a Dooley duel, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.

Dec 13, 2021

Andy commits to a dog, Josh brings a different mic energy, keeping a good sports attitude, weekly watch report, explaining the comedy publishing controversy, listener questions, and much more spiraling.

Dec 6, 2021

Andy might have seen a parade, talking Talking Heads and getting back to Get Back, childhood shortness vs. fatness, “bad” cartoons, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.