Sep 24, 2018
Andy’s back from England just in time for the Emmy after-party, Josh is back from…Utah, the line between social responsibility and grandstanding, “I Was a Fool”, listener questions, and so much more spiraling.
Sep 17, 2018
Andy and his candy, Josh can’t kill a day like he used to, lowering the bar for being recognized, First Thought Theater, “Superball 7 (You Are Here)”, listener questions, and much more spiraling.
Sep 10, 2018
The worst audience compliment, revisiting Rodney, Andy’s pre-London angst, Miller on the 6’s takes to the air, “Ticket to Roswell”, listener questions, and much more spiraling.
Sep 3, 2018
A monster tweet turns on its creator, Andy’s at the Soho Theatre in London Sept. 6-15, Josh recounts a cool Richard Pryor moment, “Neighbors”, listener questions, and much more spiraling.