Nov 26, 2018
Andy edits the mail in hopes of cheating death, anatomy of a bombed set, Josh takes in fire refugees, homework: “The Last Picture Show” and “The Manchurian Candidate”, Allison MacLeod’s “Hidden By Years”, listener questions, and much more spiraling.
Nov 19, 2018
Andy fails at his homework but gets an A+ from Josh in partnership, a brief reflection on the midterms, Josh defends high quality potty humor, the history of rap condescension, “Temple of the Loaded Gun”, listener questions, and much more spiraling.
Nov 12, 2018
Andy’s organizational skills almost cost him a gig, Josh dives into a side project, this week’s homework: “Harry and Tonto and “Life of Brian”, “Indecision”, Listener questions, and a great deal more spiraling.
Nov 5, 2018
Andy adjusts his meds and other drug spirals, Josh makes a date with the knife, this week’s homework: “Skidoo” and “Nashville”, “Crazy Dance”, listener questions, and much more spiraling.