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Thought Spiral

Aug 28, 2017

What do old Jewish comics on the road do after a night of stand-up? Go back to the hotel and record a podcast, of course. An "after hours edition" of Thought Spiral from Minneapolis.

Aug 21, 2017

A very spirally episode: Talking “The History of Comedy,” packing the OCD suitcase, J. Elvis walks down self-loathing lane, and getting ready for the first live Thought Spiral in Mpls.

Aug 14, 2017

Andy gets some bad news at the doctor’s office. Free speech on campus. Andy visits Long Island. Backstage at Conan. Getting the first BIG laugh as a kid. Chanukah bushes, and as always, way more topics.

Aug 7, 2017

A jumbo episode!  Andy breaks down his harrowing path to the Montreal speech. Things get heated over some Twitter tough love. J. Elvis meets a legendary director. Announcing the 1st Thought Spiral live taping at Acme Comedy Co. in Mpls.